
Short bio (Click here for full bio)

Yuko is a Japanese actress currently living in Helsinki, Finland.

– Education
Yuko received extensive education in the US and obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts in theatre arts at University of Central Oklahoma (2004) and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Acting at University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (2007). She worked as an acting apprentice at Actor’s Theatre of Louisville, Kentucky (2007-08). She also trained in the Viewpoints and the Suzuki Method of actor training with SITI Company in New York and Chicago. To deepen her technique, she attended the Suzuki Method training program in Toga, Japan, organized by SCOT (Suzuki Company of Toga) in 2008.

Yuko is also a student of renowned martial artist and movement coach Akira Hino. She translated one of Hino’s books “Kokoro no katachi- The Image of the Heart” in 2013 and “Don’t Think, Listen to the Body!” in 2017.

– Acting Career (Click here for Acting Portfolio)
Yuko has been working professionally in Theatre, TV/Film and other performing arts fields since 2009. In Finland she has a long working history with independent theatre company Myllyteatteri. She has performed in many of its productions such as “Saari – The Island” (2009), “Via Crucis – Way of the Cross” (2010), “Divine Comedy” (2011) and “Tapaus Gaala” (2014). She has also worked at Tampereen Työväen Teatteri and GLIMS & GLOMS dance company. Her numerous international theatre projects include Japan, Portugal (Festival de Performance e Artes da Terra 2012), Macedonia (Skupi International Theatre Festival 2012), Scotland (Edinburgh Fringe 2010), and Poland (Cricoteka 2015).

Her diverse acting works also include collaborations with artists from various fields. She worked with a renowned accordionist Timo Kinnunen in improvisational, experimental music concerts. She performed in an art film: “Ohikulkija (Passerby)” directed by visual artist Elenä Näsänen. She contributed to the mixed reality game project Antroposeeni as the lead performer.  Her latest interdisciplinary collaboration is a experimental chamber opera project “Thousand Times Yes” (2021-22) with artist Essi Kausalainen, composer Marja Ahti and librettist Jenny Kalliokulju.

In 2017, Yuko has produced her international performing arts project named “Real Contact Project: Macbeth, Again!” in Helsinki, Finland. For more about Real Contact Project, click here.

Yuko is also active in creating original works. She has written plays and solo performances such as “Deep- the musical” (2018), “Dreams in the Closet (2014)” and “Journey of an Outsider (2012).”

– Singing (Click here for Singing Portfolio)

In 2013, Yuko won a nationwide singing competition for immigrants called OurVision in Finland. Since then, her career as a musician has been blossoming. She is now the lead singer and lyricist in Elena’s Idea, a music band based in Helsinki. Elena’s Idea has published its first album in 2015.

– Teaching

Yuko holds a mater’s degree in theatre pedagogy at Theatre Academy in Helsinki, Finland (2018). She also has been leading physical training sessions for performers in Helsinki, Finland since 2011. She has given workshops and courses at Ylioppilasteatteri, Ilmaisverstas, Kokkolan kaupunginteatteri, Teatteri metamorfoosi, Theatre Academy (teatterikorkeakoulu), and Kulttuurikeskus Caisa. She has also taught at TeaK Open University and Työväen akatemia.