originally written on August 8th, 2022
It was a 3-year-long journey, starting from the first meeting at a cafe in Kallio to Saari residency to Inkost in Malmö, Sweden to Rønnebæksholm in Næstved, Denmark to finally Kiasma. I am in deep gratitude to the TTY team for allowing me to be part of this artistic endeavor. The project not only brought me juicy creative challenges and excitement but also embraced me with endearing friendship and love. I was constantly touched and inspired by the collaboration culture we were nurturing together with patience, compassion, and humor. It generated beautiful art, beautiful memories, and beautiful humans. It saddens me to say goodbye to the project, but I am feeling the growing of the creative seeds we had planted in each other’s life throughout the years. So, it’s the end, but it’s not. The seeds will sprout, and we’ll keep growing.. together.
Thank you, and I’ll leave you with my favorite lines from the show:
“This is
chance to
R e p e a t
S e p a r a t e
R e p e a t
Joined together
composed apart,
which evokes
the attainment
of fellowship and love”- WORM