Avajaiskonsertti – Opening Concert | Ave, Mare Boreale!

Summer greetings to all!

I hope this post finds you enjoying the season. The following is the first of several creative projects I’m taking on for the summer.

Timo Kinnunen, a skillful, adventurous accordionist, has invited me to Oulu, Finland to  join him in the opening concert for his concert tour around the Bothnian Bay (the sea between Finland and Sweden). I’m planning on performing some of the old Japanese poetry in collaboration with Timo and  Biggi Vinkeloe, a saxophonist and flutist from Sweden.

The details are below:

Avajaiskonsertti – Opening Concert | Ave, Mare Boreale!

Date and time: July 8, 2018 (Su), 16:00-17:45

Place: Pikisaarentie 13, Oulu, Keltainen talo (Yellow house)   Map

Ticket price: 10€. Ticket sale begins one hour before the show opening time at the door. Cash only. Tickets can be booked in advance by sending a text message to 0400 908735.

Liput 10 €. Lipunmyynti alkaa tuntia ennen ovelta, käteismaksu. Ennakkovaraus on mahdollista tekstiviestillä numerosta 0400 908735.

Click here for Facebook event!


Tervetuloa! Welcome!


Workshops in autumn 2018

Hey everybody!

I’m giving three different workshops in the autumn of 2018. All of them are on  a first-come, first-served basis. So, mark your calendar now and don’t miss out on the opportunities! Here are the details:

1. “The Body That Speaks” at Open University (Taideyliopisto, Avoin kampus)

  • Dates and Times: Sat-Sun 15.-16.9., 22.-23.9., 29.-30.9., 6.-7.10. and 13.-14.10. From 10:00 – 15:00.
  • Place: Theatre Academy, Haapaniemenkatu 6, Helsinki
  • Tuition fee: 60 €
  • Registration period: 7.-21.8.2018    Click here to register!

In this course, the student will learn the basics of a few physical methods (Suzuki Method, Viewpoints and Hino Method, a method based in classic Japanese martial arts) to build the corporeal scaffolding for greater expressivity and connectivity on stage. The key words in learning are Listening, Focus, Stillness, Sensitivity, Drive and Attitude. Through careful, diligent practice, the student will gain an invaluable asset as a performing artist, the body that speaks. Short texts in the student’s native language will also be used for exercises in the course.

2. “Expressive Body- introduction to Suzuki Method of Actor Training” at Teatteri metamorfoosi

  • Dates and Times:  Fri 16.11 at 18-21:00, Sat-Sun 17.–18.11 at 10-17:00 (including 1h lunch break)
  • Place: Teatteri metamorfoosi/ Point Fixe, Suvilahdenkatu 10 A 408
  • Fee: 149€
  • Registration period: now – 2.11.2018   Click here to register! 

How could we be more expressive and powerful in our presence on the stage? In the workshop the question is posed as the drive to build the foundation of embodied knowledge in Suzuki Method of Actor Training. The participants will learn and practice the basics of the method and find ways to apply it in a performative situation. No previous experience in the method required. Wear movable clothing and bring a water bottle and a pair of socks (no wool socks). Suzuki Method was founded and has been developed by a Japanese theatre director Tadashi Suzuki and his company SCOT (Suzuki Company of Toga). This rigorous method brings better concentration, breath control, and energy production to those who practice it. Its ultimate purpose is to restore the innate expressivity in the performer’s body.

Suzuki Method of Actor Training

3. “Extraordinary Time & Space – introduction to Viewpoints” at Teatteri metamorfoosi

  • Dates and Times:Fri 30.11 at 18-21:00, Sat-Sun 23.–25.11 at 10-17:00 (including 1h lunch break)
  • Place: Teatteri metamorfoosi/ Point Fixe, Suvilahdenkatu 10 A 408
  • Fee: 149€
  • Registration period: now – 16.11.2018   Click here to register! 

How could we listen to time and space and how does that relate to the bodies on the stage? In the workshop the questions are posed as the drive to build the foundation of embodied knowledge in Viewpoints. The participants will learn and practice the basics of the technique as an ensemble and explore ways to collaboratively create theatrical language to tell stories on the stage. No previous experience in the technique required. Wear movable clothing.

Viewpoints is an improvisational technique of movement originated by an American choreographer Mary Overlie and later adapted to theatre by Anne Bogart, Tina Landau, and SITI Company. The technique provides inspiring and yet practical vocabulary to investigate and explore time and space in a performative setting and allows ensemble performing to happen quickly and organically.



Looking forward to seeing you there!

Best regards,
